How to Identify Fake AI-Generated Reviews: Tips to Spot Fake Reviews

Fake AI-generated reviews are increasingly common and can mislead consumers. With 80% of people having encountered fake reviews, it’s crucial to learn how to identify them.  AI experts at AIPRM offer crucial tips to identify fake AI-generated reviews. By recognising these indicators, consumers and businesses can better navigate the review landscape and avoid misleading information.

How to Identify Fake AI-Generated ReviewsNowadays, fake AI-generated reviews are a big problem. They mislead people and are everywhere. Around 80% of consumers believe they have read fake reviews in the past year, and the same percentage aren’t sure how to identify them.

In 2023 alone, Google removed an astounding 170 million fake reviews of hotels, restaurants, and businesses – a 32% increase from the previous year. Trustpilot also flagged 3.3 million reviews as fake on its site during the same period. As AI technology advances, fake reviews are becoming increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect, blurring the line between genuine feedback and fabricated content. It’s very important to know how to spot fake reviews because they significantly affect purchasing decisions, from big companies to small businesses. Have you ever thought a product’s reviews might not be real or AI-generated?

The AI experts at AIPRM have provided five tips to help consumers identify fake AI-generated reviews.

The impact of fake reviews on businesses

Knowing how to spot fake reviews is essential because they can seriously harm businesses. Fake reviews can be used to boost a company’s reputation unfairly while damaging the reputation of genuine businesses. This is one of the more dishonest aspects of business competition, and there are many cases where honest business owners have lost everything because of fake reviews.

Even though fake reviews are illegal according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), it’s rare for actions to be taken against those responsible. Many of these fake review operations are located in other countries, making them difficult to reach and prosecute. However, as more people learn how to identify fake reviews, their negative impact is likely to decrease.

Spotting fake AI reviews: 5 essential tips from the experts

Spotting fake reviews on Google, Amazon, or any other review site follows a similar process. By being careful and observant, you can learn to identify the signs of a fake review compared to a genuine one from a verified purchase. Let’s look at how to tell if reviews are fake so you can become a more informed consumer and business owner.

Identifying generic language and lack of specificity

AI-generated reviews often sound like they were written from a standard template and lack the personal details of real feedback. These reviews tend to be dull, vague and lack a human touch. Consumers should watch out for reviews that use generic phrases and could apply to any product. Instead, they should look for reviews that share personal experiences, mention specific product features, and provide unique insights.


Potentially fake review: “This product is great. It works well. I recommend it.”

Real review: “I’ve been using this vacuum cleaner for two months, and I’m really impressed with how it tackles pet hair! The battery life could be better, but overall, it’s a solid purchase for pet owners.”

Analysing the reviewer’s profile

Checking the reviewer’s profile can give you clues about whether a review is real. Genuine users often have a history of reviewing different products and services. On the other hand, fake profiles might only have a few reviews, which are often posted around the same dates, and they might lack personal details like a profile picture or bio.


Potentially fake profile: A user with three reviews that are all 5-star ratings, posted within the same week.

Real profile: A user with a mix of positive and critical reviews spanning various product categories over several months or years.

Recognising extreme opinions

Another sign of fake AI reviews is overly positive or excessively negative feedback that lacks details. Real reviews usually offer a balanced view, mentioning both the good and bad aspects of a product or service.


Potentially fake review: “Best product ever! No complaints at all!”

Real review: “I love the design and functionality of this blender, but it is quite noisy. It gets the job done efficiently though.”

Cross-referencing reviews across multiple platforms

Consumers shouldn’t depend on just one website for reviews. Checking reviews on different platforms like Amazon, Yelp, and Trustpilot gives a fuller picture of a product. Consistent feedback across multiple sites usually means the experiences shared are from real users.


Potentially fake review: A product with exclusively 5-star reviews on one site but a mix of ratings on others.

Real review: A product with a general trend of positive feedback but also some critical reviews that highlight minor issues.

Examining the timing of reviews

The timing of reviews can reveal if they are fake. A sudden surge of reviews, especially if they are all very positive or negative, might indicate fake AI reviews. Real reviews usually come in gradually, with users sharing their experiences at different times.


Potentially fake review: A product receives dozens of glowing reviews all posted within a few days or hours.

Real review: A product has reviews spread out over several months, with users sharing their thoughts at different times.